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Wild Wednesdays - ALL GIRLS

GIRLS Grades 3-5, Outdoor Adventures & Empowerment Jan. 8 - Feb. 12

165 US dollars
North Andover

Program Description

**3 Sliding Scale spots are availble this winter for any families needing financial assistance. Please email me. **Snowboots, Snowpants and hats/gloves will be needed. Wild Wednesdays offers your daughters active exploring, outdoor cooking, artful winter creations, and PLAY for 75mins every week! While outdoor adventuring naturally builds self-confidence and wonder, we will take it one step further by touching on an empowerment topic each week to blend with our activities. Empowerment Topics Include: -Self Confidence -Taking Risks / Benefits of Failure -Self Compassion -Positive Self Talk (& growth mindset) -Gratitude -Kindness Wednesdays - 6 Week Session Jan. 8 - Feb 12 (Feb 26 is rain date if needed) 3:45-5pm $165 What unfolds each week is largely determined by the girls' interests, ideas and curiosities, as well as weather conditions. Parents receive an email with the week's upcoming location, trail plan, and the suggested clothing. Please note that snowgear will be recommended - ie boots and snow pants. ACTIVITIES MAY INCLUDE Sledding Building Forts/Snow Forts Making ice sculptures Painting Snow Forest Mandalas Vine Swinging Exploring frozen streams and ice patches Making Snow Candy or Snow Ice Cream Trails Games Our locations will vary weekly around North Andover and may include: Half Mile Hill, Weir Hill, Rolling Ridge, Stevens Estate, Reas Pond and Osgood Hill Trail. Classes will be postponed due to severe weather/temps and added on to the end of our schedule. PLEASE CONSIDER BEFORE BOOKING: *this is an active program *ability to walk 1 mile is necessary *kids are outside for 75min in winter weather *ability to FOLLOW DIRECTIONS / BEHAVE cooperatively & KINDLY / execute SELF CONTROL are necessary for group safety *Please read the Code of Conduct expectations on the Policy Page before registering *Any child not able to meet behavior expectations will be asked to forfeit the program without refund COVID SAFETY Parents must monitor their children before the start of each program for COVID-19 symptoms and should not send their child to programming if they have symptoms.

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