Nature’s Pace, LLC. is committed to providing high quality outdoor experiences to everyone regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, sexuality or gender identity. Nature is for ALL to enjoy!
Code of Conduct
Nature’s Pace strives to provide a fun, inclusive and safe environment for participants to play, explore and be a part of the natural world. All participants are expected to demonstrate mutual respect for each other, group leaders, and nature.
The following behaviors are grounds for immediate dismissal from the entire program session without refund:
Hurtful language or fighting
Inability to follow the leader’s directions
Inability to stay with the group
Inability to execute self-control
Destruction of nature
Disrespect toward the group leader/s
Payments/Cancellations/ Refunds
Payments are due in full at the time of registration.
50% refund is given for cancellations within 14 days of the start date.
No refund is given for cancellations within 7 days of the start date.
Refunds are not given for individual classes missed during a multi-week program session.
If a group leader needs to cancel a program due to illness or injury, full refunds will be given.
Program days that are postponed due to foul weather will be added to the end of the session.
Financial Aid
Nature’s Pace is dedicated to making sure that anyone who wants to participate in a program, can! If cost is prohibitive, please reach out to us on the contact page and we will make a financial aid plan that works for your family.