Nature's Pace
What Does Nature’s Pace Do?
Zen teacher, David Loy, said “it’s hard to love something if you don’t have a relationship with it.” Agreed. It’s very hard to have a relationship with nature if we don’t get out there and BE IN it. Nature’s Pace was created in 2018 to help kids and adults revive their relationship with nature, and inspire personal wellness.
For youth programs, that means exploring wooded trails with the freedom to climb trees, scramble over boulders, march through streams, hold frogs, build tree forts, smell wildflowers, swing on vines, slide on frozen ponds, paint the snow… you know: PLAY!
For adult programs, that means hikes, outdoor yoga, and forest bathing walks that all focus on opening the senses to deepen our awareness of the world around us and our place within it.

"In the end, we will only protect what we love.
We will love only what we understand.
We will understand only what we are taught.”
~ Baba Dioum, Senegalese poet and naturalist

ANFT Forest Therapy Guide
Wilderness First Aid/CPR
YTT200 (Yoga/Mindfulness)
Outdoor Enrichment Teacher, Family Cooperative Preschool, North Andover, MA
Meet your guide: Christine Cohne
Christine grew up in Lexington, MA where her first memories of the woods were playing “adventure games” with her brothers and neighbors in the forest behind their house. Climbing trees, building forts, running down hills, and coming in for dinner tired and dirty.
Now residing in North Andover, MA this type of play reflects how Christine and her husband like to spend family time with their two kids: camping, hiking, kayaking, mountain biking, beach combing, pond skating and cooking dinners over an open fire… to name a few of their favorite activities.
As a former teacher at the Family Cooperative Preschool in North Andover, program director for The Boys and Girls Club of Lake Tahoe and First Descents Kayaking Camp for Young Adults with Cancer in Colorado, Christine’s passion for youth programming, love of the great outdoors, and recognition of the importance of “nature time”, have all been married within Nature’s Pace.
In 2021, Christine earned her certification as a Forest Therapy Guide with The Association of Nature and Forest Therapy (ANFT). After reading the book Nature Fix, by Florence Williams, a few years earlier, Christine became intrigued by the practice of Forest Bathing. Whether in the ocean or forest, desert or mountains, interacting with the natural world has always filled Christine with a sense of light and purpose. Christine’s journey to become a Forest Therapy guide has led to cultivating a deeper sense of wellbeing within herself and with the more-than-human-world. Through Nature’s Pace, she hopes to support wellness discoveries for others by opening the doors of the forest.